They sent me that I owe some debt to some collection agency for 2006.

Collection agency information

Data updated as of date: 04/07/2020

  • Full and abbreviated (if any) name of the legal entity (name of the collection agency): Non-public joint-stock company "First Collection Bureau", NJSC "PKB"
  • Status in 2020: Active - Included in the register of collection agencies
  • Certificate number in the register of collection agencies (license): 3/16/77000-KL

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To repay debt, borrowers may need company details:

View details

Full name of the company Non-public joint-stock company "First Collection Bureau" Abbreviated name Location 108811, Moscow, Moskovsky settlement, Kievskoe highway, 22 km, building 6, building 1 Address (postal address) 108811, Moscow, p Moskovsky, Kievskoe highway, 22 km, building 6, building 1 Date of state registration 02/03/2009 State registration number (OGRN) 1092723000446 INN 2723115222 Registering authority Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for the Industrial District of Khabarovsk Full name of the head Mikhmel Pavel Sergeevich Phone number of the head

Is it licensed and included in the register?

According to the information presented on the official portal of the Federal Bailiff Service, on December 29, 2020, the First Collection Bureau was included in the state register of collectors under registration number 3/16/77000-KL.

Is the activity insured?

Information on the contract of compulsory liability insurance of the Non-public joint-stock company "First Collection Bureau", NJSC "PKB" for causing losses to the debtor when carrying out activities to return overdue debt (counterparty under the contract, period of validity of the contract):

View information about the insurance contract

OJSC AlfaStrakhovanie, contract period from 04/24/2016 to 04/23/2017; OJSC AlfaStrakhovanie, contract period from 04/24/2017 to 04/23/2018; JSC "AlfaStrakhovanie" contract period from 04/24/2018 to 04/23/2019; SPAO "Ingosstrakh", contract period from 04/24/2019 to 04/23/2020

Where to see the list of debtors: how to check your debt by last name?

The list of debtors of PKB First Collection Bureau is strictly confidential information, therefore, in order to find out about the status of your own loan debt, you need to contact the agency employees and clarify the necessary data with them. You can also find out the debt in your personal account:

The debtor's consent may become a prerequisite for transferring debts to collectors


Maria of Tyre

“There is no order for a specific agency, everyone is being checked. To the point where they find reviews on the Internet and start checking a specific collection agency in the regions,” says a source from one of the largest collection agencies.

Officially, collectors have not yet talked about inspections. Thus, the First Collection Bureau and the National Collection Service declined to comment; Sequoia Credit Consolidation stated that there were no checks at the agency. Earlier, RBC reported about checks at collection agencies, citing unauthorized sources.

The National Association of Professional Collection Agencies (NAPCA) confirmed information about mass inspections. “There are no statistics on inspections yet, but it feels like their number has clearly increased in recent months, I would even say in the last six months. Different companies check in different areas, mainly on technical aspects of compliance with legislation on personal data,” says a source at NAPCA.


Official website of PKB First Collection Bureau

The official website of PKB appeared in 2010. There you can find all the necessary information regarding both debtors and potential clients.

The following information is available for clients:

  • list of services provided;
  • contacts for communication;
  • list of company branches;
  • company's news.

At the same time, debtors can familiarize themselves with:

  • promotions that allow you to reduce the percentage of overpayments on the loan;
  • contacts for communication;
  • a list of the most frequently asked questions and their answers;
  • a list of legislative acts providing for the possibility of debt collection;
  • advice for debtors;
  • details for paying the debt.

Attention: The functionality of the site allows you to pay the debt with just one click of the “Pay online” button and entering personal information.

Potential applicants can visit the agency's vacancies section and submit their resume for consideration by the company.

Email mail

[email protected]
The user has the opportunity to contact a company employee through online chat in the lower right corner of the site or by sending a message to an email address.


HEAD OFFICE NJSC "PKB" / ADDRESS FOR CORRESPONDENCE 108811, Moscow, Kyiv highway, 22 km, house. 6, p. 1, bldg. A4a

Business, 1st floor

Mon.–Fri. from 9:00 to 18:00 Sat., Sun. day off

DEPARTMENT FOR WORK WITH INDIVIDUALS 109428 Moscow, Ryazansky Prospekt, 24, bldg. 2, off. 512

The functionality of the site provides the user with the opportunity to clarify the address of the company’s branch in the city of interest.


The Khabarovsk branch of PKB is located at the address: Vostochnoye Shosse, building 41 (Business Center "Golden Towers"), offices 800-801.

Hotline number

To get answers to your questions or to file a complaint about the work of employees, a free 24-hour line has been allocated:


Personal Area

To enter your personal account at PKB First Collection Bureau, follow the link:

Working methods

As noted by debtors who have encountered the First Collection Bureau, the working methods of agency employees depend on the specific situation.

Some borrowers claim that the debt collectors of this organization are pleasant to talk to and actively provide assistance in drawing up a debt repayment plan. Other debtors faced psychological impact and violation of Russian legislation.

Thus, the positive practices of the agency include:

  • phone calls;
  • personal meetings with the debtor;
  • joint development of a plan to resolve the situation;
  • providing assistance in finding the necessary funds to pay off the debt.

At the same time, the company acts with respect to some borrowers through:

  • constant mail letters;
  • threatening calls;
  • psychological influence;
  • threats to the health of the debtor and his family.

How to avoid getting caught by a collection agency

Often the delay does not occur on purpose. The reasons for this may be:

  • dismissal from a position;
  • wage reduction;
  • the appearance of a new dependent;
  • illness of the payer or a member of his family;
  • temporary position of unemployed;
  • loss of ability to work;
  • the occurrence of unexpected cash costs.

When something like this happens, you need to come to an Alfa-Bank branch to restructure the loan. Take with you documents confirming the fact that you actually have this problem (for example, a certificate issued by a doctor, a copy of your work record book). In the future, try to extinguish it in a timely manner.

How to fight and is it worth paying?

If violations by agency employees are detected, both the company management and debtors who have previously found themselves in such a situation recommend sending a complaint to the company via email or the bureau’s hotline.

As practice shows, such actions are quite enough for the offending employee to apologize and stop exceeding his own authority.

However, if the complaint to the company management does not bring a positive result, then it is necessary to submit an appeal to the prosecutor's office . At the same time, it is extremely important to record negotiations with debt collectors on a voice recorder or video camera.

If the borrower's debt was acquired legally by a collection agency, and the statute of limitations on the debt has not yet expired, then you must pay the remaining amount yourself or wait for a court decision.

You need to understand that at the moment when the bank transfers the right to claim the debt to a collection agency under an assignment agreement, the bank ceases to be a creditor, since it becomes a debt collection company. An important condition is timely notification of the borrower about the sale of his debt to a third party - at least 30 days in advance, the debtor must receive written notice of the transfer of the case.

Collectors can sue the debtor to collect the amount of the debt.

In practice, collectors rarely take such measures, but it is still necessary to repay the loan regardless of who is currently the legal owner of the debt.

Procedure for the activities of collection services

Updates regarding the operating procedures of collection agencies are regulated by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation. Agents receive debtor data and have the right to begin interacting with clients. Initially they conduct telephone conversations. Then they meet people in person. You can influence a citizen who has an outstanding debt within a strictly allotted time period.

Stages of exposure

The first stage - telephone warnings and SMS notifications are handled by Alfa Bank. When the consideration of debt obligations is transferred to Sentinel employees, the following steps are followed:

  • informing the debtor about the amount and timing of debt repayment;
  • psychological interaction: private visits, notification to the borrower’s boss, telephone calls;
  • filing a claim with the court, if the previous stages were not successful - the defaulter receives a summons at his place of residence.

The activities of agents include exclusively legal instruments that comply with legal norms. Representatives of SCM acquire the right to demand payment of debt obligations two months from the date of delay.

Pressure methods

Employees are allowed to visit borrowers according to their home address, call them, and notify them in writing. It is prohibited to visit citizens at home from ten in the evening to six in the morning. A transaction made late at night will be considered invalid.

Company representatives are legally savvy and trained to influence citizens. They may charge a larger amount than the established amount.

Reason to complain

Most employees of the institution take advantage of the weak legal knowledge of Russian residents to collect. The largest number of violations relate to threats, blackmail, offensive phrases, and aggressive communication.

Such actions are prohibited in relation to debtors. The conversation with the SCM representative begins with the provision of an official identification card. The dialogue initially includes the introduction of the agent, the position and the purpose of the appeal. The borrower has the right to demand a document certifying the authority of the creditor.

It is prohibited to distribute the client's personal data. Communication with neighbors, relatives, and colleagues regarding debt obligations is not provided for by state legal acts. Attempts to threaten or extort money violate the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and will result in legal proceedings.

Examples of inappropriate behavior on the part of Sentinel collectors

There are quite a lot of such examples. Oddly enough, in most cases found on the Internet, they complain about the inappropriate behavior of the Sentinel agency’s collectors regarding erroneous calls and demands to repay a non-existent debt .

The point is that a certain collector representing Sentinel Credit Management LLC calls a person on the phone and demands to repay the debt on a loan that this person allegedly issued and did not pay on time. But in fact, there is no debt, much less debt. This is a common case - a successful mistake of such collectors. In some cases, a person is so pestered with calls and threats that he pays off the mythical loan debt. In such cases, you should record the conversation with the collectors and go to the prosecutor. How to find out your ID debt, read here.

Another example of inappropriate behavior is pressure on relatives, namely older people (grandparents and elderly parents). In some cases, such pressure on them leads to health problems. In order to prevent collectors from touching the borrower’s relatives, you should also contact the prosecutor or the police, since such actions directly contradict the laws of the Russian Federation.

Be sure to read it! Income card from Alfa-Bank: what income awaits us, conditions for receiving

There are often examples of how debt collectors directly threaten the health and life of the debtor or his family members. Again, in this case, you should record the conversations and threats of the collectors and send these recordings to law enforcement agencies.

A particular example of inappropriate behavior based on a story that occurred in Moscow. Two men were banging on the door of a citizen who was in her apartment with her sister and children. Men broke down doors and shouted various threats. As it turned out later, these were collectors from the Sentinel agency who wanted to demand that the debtor pay off the loan debt. Both were taken to the police station.

Reviews of the collection agency "First Collection Bureau"

Affected debtors

The opinions of debtors who encountered the activities of this agency were divided into two groups .

Some argue that PKB systematically violates the law, others that the agency’s methods are exclusively legal and aimed at a peaceful resolution of the issue.

Interestingly, the overwhelming majority of negative reviews refer to the Moscow region. Regarding other branches of the agency, the reviews are only positive - borrowers are surprised at the tremendous assistance of PKB employees in finding a suitable solution and way to close the debt.

After the adoption of the new law on collection activities, the number of negative reviews in the Moscow region decreased significantly, which indicates that the branch employees began to behave somewhat more restrained and give fewer reasons for complaints.

Lesson #1: How to find out your debts?

It is necessary to indicate what exactly the violations on the part of the bank are. This may be material damage caused to the client, including due to failure to notify the transfer of debt, as a result of which the client repaid the debt to the original creditor, although after transferring the right of claim, he must pay money to the subsequent one.

With the help of a written request (claim), you can find out the time and date of the assignment transaction, the interest on which the assignment was made. Banks themselves try to notify creditors in a timely manner about the assignment of claims.

If the debtor suspects that his loan has been sold to third parties and does not want to contact them due to a large delay, then he only needs to wait for a notification from the original or subsequent creditor. Thus, you can find out about the completed transaction of assignment of the right to claim the loan.

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