How to Appeal a Writ of Execution If You Have Not Received a Statement of Claim

AutoJurist legal assistance

  • Enlist the support of the police, security services, internal troops, etc. - unlike the situation with debt collectors, the police always take the side of the bailiff (if he did not break the law - did not threaten you, did not bother you at night, etc.).
  • Collect information from banks about whether you are their client (all accounts may be seized in order to subsequently write off funds from them to repay the debt).
  • Contact your employer to find out the amount of salary you receive.
  • Come to your home on weekdays from 6 am to 10 pm.

The loan debt has been written off by the bank from its balance sheet, but the bailiffs are collecting it under IL

If for some reason the bank considers filing a claim in court inappropriate, for example, due to the insignificance of the amounts to be collected, the date the individual receives income is determined as the date the bad debt is written off from the bank’s balance sheet to off-balance sheet accounts.

Sberbank wrote off credit card debt as bad debt from its balance sheet. There is a document on hand from the Security Council of the Russian Federation indicating that the debt has been written off. The tax office demanded payment of 13% tax, because... the debt is written off and material benefits arise. This is all clear. But! At the same time, bailiffs live their lives, since they have open enforcement proceedings, i.e. Collection is in full swing. What is the right thing to do to stop production?

How to appeal a writ of execution

Enforcement proceedings are initiated by a bailiff on the basis of a writ of execution.
If there are certain circumstances that prevent the bailiff from executing the court decision, the enforcement proceedings are suspended.

There are cases when proceedings are suspended by the court without fail. These include: filing a claim for the release of property from seizure; if the property valuation is disputed; if a dispute arises regarding the performance fee.

The loan debt has been written off by the bank from its balance sheet, but the bailiffs are collecting it under IL

“If the bank goes to court and the court satisfies the bank’s claim, but recovery under the writ of execution from the debtor is not possible, the client’s debt under the loan agreement may be considered uncollectible and written off from the bank’s balance sheet.

Taking into account the above, if there is a resolution of the bailiff on the completion of enforcement proceedings, the date of receipt of income by an individual who is a bank client is the date the bad debt is written off from the bank’s balance sheet.

Decision in the case of challenging a writ of execution

and full name in favor of OJSC "Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending" jointly and severally recovered the debt under the loan agreement in the total amount of 2828509 rubles. 91 kopecks.
foreclosure was filed on the mortgaged property - a two-story residential building and a plot of land at the address: By ruling of the Novgorod District Court dated June 4, 2012 (came into force on June 20, 2012). the party was replaced by decision of the Novgorod District Court dated September 15, 2011. What should the debtor do? The debtor, however, has another effective tool for protecting his legal rights. This is a claim for the release of property from seizure.

When this claim is filed, enforcement actions in relation to this property are suspended, and a court decision may establish that this property belongs to a person who is not the debtor. Example. LLC "..." filed a claim against the debtor and the claimant for the release of property from arrest.

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The third group includes cases when a decision to suspend enforcement proceedings can be made by both the bailiff and the court: if necessary, resolve the issue of legal succession in the case; revocation of the bank's license, which is the debtor; with the participation of the debtor in hostilities; in case of bankruptcy of the debtor; when searching for, serving in the army or treating a debtor.

The mechanism for the execution of court decisions is regulated by the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation.

Is it possible to revoke a court order from bailiffs?

It is easy to understand: no matter how late the loan is, the creditor bank can go to court to demand its recovery. Another thing is that not all banks resort to this option and, at the first delay, turn to the magistrate. But 2-3 delays or more are sufficient for an application to be issued for an order to be filed. One of the key problems of writ proceedings for a borrower-debtor is the speed of consideration of cases in such processes. The magistrate considers the bank's application individually, within five days, without holding a meeting and, accordingly, inviting the parties. As a result, in the overwhelming majority of cases, the borrower-debtor learns about the issuance of a court order after the ruling is issued - by a notice received to him.

You need to write, for example, that you disagree with the court decision, as well as with the amount of debt, and you have objections. Or they simply disagree that the trial took place without your participation. Submit your application back to the office. Receive a notification and go back to the bailiffs.

How to cancel a writ of execution on a loan | instructions

How to cancel a writ of execution on a loan, many people ask a similar question when they contact us for advice. Friends, I’ll say right away that before taking out a loan from a bank, you need to carefully calculate your capabilities, otherwise in the future you may receive a writ of execution from the bank if you stop paying.

The bank is not your close friend or relative. A bank is a financial institution whose task is to make a profit. Therefore, arguments like: I can’t pay, I got sick, I lost my job, have no legal basis. By signing a loan agreement, you accepted a certain amount of responsibilities, including making payments in the agreed amount and due date.

In practice, there are cases when a bank agrees to a restructuring or settlement agreement. But this is not the bank’s obligation, this is the bank’s right, and whether the bank uses this right or not is not decided by the borrower. So, you don’t need to rely on it, you just need to always be prepared for negative developments.

This way you can protect yourself from abuse by the creditor and preserve your property. Next, we will consider in detail the process of obtaining a writ of execution by a creditor.

It is easier to cancel a writ of execution on a loan if you know the nuances of receiving a writ of execution by the creditor

In order to understand how to cancel a writ of execution on a loan, you need to understand what stage the lender goes through in order to obtain a writ of execution.

The basis for going to court for the bank will be the presence of overdue debt and the client’s failure to pay loan payments for a long time. The law does not impose requirements on the time of non-payment of the loan and the amount of debt.

Usually creditors go to court after 3 months of delay, but there are no exact statistics, it’s always different.

To ensure that the court does not refuse to collect the debt, the bank is obliged to send a claim to the borrower for a pre-trial procedure for resolving the dispute. In the claim, the bank must demand the return of the entire amount of debt on the loan: the amount of the principal debt, interest for using the loan, fines, penalties, penalties.

If the bank has complied with the above requirement, it now has the right to go to court. In order for the creditor’s claims to be considered, the statement of claim must be accompanied by documents confirming the client’s debt (account statement, debt calculation, credit file, documents confirming payment of state duties, etc.


The court will check the statement of claim and documents - attachments. If the form and content of the statement of claim comply with the law, the court will issue a ruling to accept the statement of claim. The court will set a date for the hearing and notify the parties.

If the amount of principal, interest, and penalties charged to you does not correspond to reality, then you have the right to raise objections indicating the presence of a smaller debt. Friends, also be sure to petition the court to reduce the amount of penalties, fines, and penalties on the loan.

The described process of obtaining a writ of execution will help answer the question: “How to cancel a writ of execution on a loan.”

How to cancel a writ of execution on a loan. Main stages

The grounds for appealing or canceling a court decision (writ of execution) are the same for all types of obligations, be it credit obligations, collection of damages; the law does not regulate the cancellation of a writ of execution on a loan. The procedure is the same for all decisions made by courts of general jurisdiction. One month is given to appeal a court decision, whether it is for a loan or other obligations.

If for some reason you are not satisfied with the court's decision on the loan, it is important to send an appeal on time; if you do not meet the specified deadline, then there is a risk that the application will not be satisfied.

The procedural deadline for appealing the decision of the court of first instance can be restored, but this requires substantial grounds, so it is better to control the deadlines and do everything on time. Procedural deadlines for appealing a judicial act begin to run from the moment the court decision is issued in full.

If you want to cancel a writ of execution on a loan, you need to follow these steps:

Submit a petition to restore the missed procedural deadline for appeal. A writ of execution for a loan or other obligations is issued after the court decision enters into legal force. Thus, we come to the following conclusion - if there is a writ of execution, then the court decision has entered into legal force.

Does this mean that the decision of the court of first instance cannot be appealed and the writ of execution on the loan can no longer be cancelled? Doesn't mean that at all. You can appeal the decision and cancel the writ of execution on the loan. Here are some of the reasons:

  • The court hearing took place in the absence of the defendant, that is, without you and you knew nothing about the court hearing. As soon as you find out that the trial has taken place, you need to take steps to familiarize yourself with the case materials. If the defendant was not properly notified or the decision reached you with a significant delay, this may serve as a basis for restoring procedural deadlines;
  • A serious illness that prevented the person from exercising the right to appeal to a higher court. However, it should be remembered that the illness must be documented precisely during the period for the appeal;
  • Of course this happens rarely, but still. The court did not explain the procedure for appealing a judicial act in the text of the decision itself;
  • If the court did not take into account the deadlines for drawing up a decision in full (the court is given five days);
  • A copy of the court decision was sent by the court in violation of the deadlines, which led to the impossibility of filing an appeal with the court.

Next you need to prepare an appeal. An appeal is filed through the court that made the decision. The complaint (at the top) indicates the name of the court to which the complaint is sent, information about the complainant (full name, address), his procedural position in the case, the parties and interested parties.

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How to pay a loan if the account is seized by bailiffs

To receive an installment plan, you need to contact the bailiff in charge of your case directly and write a corresponding statement to him. It is best to do this immediately after receiving the writ of execution, or at least within five days. Otherwise, you will be considered to be evading your obligations to repay your debts, and you may be subject to an enforcement fee in addition to the main debt.

This may not give the desired result, but one should not exclude the possibility that the creditor will agree to withdraw the claim provided that part of the debt is repaid. If the conversation with the bank representatives does not work out, file a counterclaim in court. To do this, a statement of claim is drawn up based on all the information on the actions of the bailiffs or the collection of funds. The most effective way to lift the arrest, which is obvious, is to pay the entire amount of the debt. In this case, the enforcement proceedings are closed and the blocking is automatically lifted. If a bank account is seized by bailiffs and the case goes to court? The most undesirable and critical way to resolve the issue of account seizure is to go to court. Of course, ideally, this should be done pre-trial, that is, to pay the debt. Legality of the actions of bailiffs To begin with, it makes sense to raise the question of whether, in principle, bailiffs can seize loan accounts opened by citizens. According to Articles 70 and 81 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Enforcement Proceedings,” bailiffs can recover funds from debtors, including by seizing bank accounts, cards, and deposits. When seized, funds from the credit account are transferred to the accounts of the Federal Bailiff Service (FSSP). However, the law does not talk about blocking the entire account, but only about the funds in the account.

Challenging a writ of execution in court

Federal Law No. 229-FZ of October 2, 2007
“On Enforcement Proceedings” and Federal Law No. 118-FZ of July 21, 1997

"About bailiffs." However, it is well known that not all defendants (debtors) are in a hurry to comply with a court decision that has entered into force.

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Therefore, plaintiffs (collectors) have to contact a special body, the Federal Bailiff Service (FSSP), i.e. In the arbitration court, it is allowed to challenge decisions of arbitration tribunals taken on the territory of the Russian Federation in disputes arising from civil legal relations in the implementation of business and other economic activities (Art.

By the decision of the Arbitration Court of the Krasnoyarsk Territory dated February 27, 2002 in case NА33-802/02-С2, the claim was rejected with reference to Articles 4, 22, 53, 208 of the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation.

Cassation is the procedure for appealing to a higher authority the acts of arbitration courts of first instance that have entered into legal force (arbitration courts of constituent entities of the Russian Federation - republics, territories, regions, cities of federal significance, autonomous regions, autonomous districts)

What do bailiffs seize for loan debts?

Banks offer favorable conditions and low interest rates for refinancing. But clients with a positive credit history can take advantage of this offer, so you need to refinance your loans in advance, before the car loan becomes overdue.

It should be noted that financial institutions resort to this measure in very rare cases. Litigation and the sale of collateral are not their specialization, so the client is offered options to get out of this difficult situation, for example, debt restructuring.

Which banks do not have bailiffs seize accounts - information for debtors

If there is no money in the account or there is not enough money, the bank suspends operations on the account and continues to execute the arrest order as funds arrive in the account, until the order is executed in full or the bailiff lifts the arrest.

The mechanism for working with bailiffs is as follows: the bailiff sends a resolution to the credit institution to seize the funds. The bank is obliged to immediately comply with this decision and inform the bailiff of the details of the debtor's accounts and the amount of funds seized for each account.

Can a bailiff seize a loan payment account?

Yes, you can open a new account and link a loan account to it to pay off loans. It would be most reasonable to appoint a third party as the owner of the new account - one of your relatives or friends . In this case, there is no risk that the bailiffs will arrest him too. To ensure regular payments, create a special bank order that makes it possible to automatically transfer funds to the debtor’s account.

Some advise repaying loans through the bank's cash desk, but these tips are more likely to fall into the category of harmful, and the result will be the same, the money will be written off by bailiffs. After all, the cashier receives the payer’s money based on the order of an employee of the operations department, who draws up the receipt document and credits the money to the loan account, which contains restrictions.

Statute of limitations for debt collection by bailiffs

Only a few debtors with a relatively small amount of debt are lucky and banks write off the debt as bad. But usually bankers extend the statute of limitations by at least 6 years, and then the collection procedure becomes expensive from an economic point of view. Recently, cases of criminal cases initiated against malicious defaulters under the article of fraud have become more frequent.

Then the bank resubmits the writ of execution to the bailiffs in 2013 and withdraws it in April 2014 for the same reason. In December 2014, the bank again sent the writ of execution to the bailiffs.

Sample claim for unlawful withholding of money by bailiffs

View the lawyer's answer Answered by: lawyer of the legal group; MIP; If your distant relative is not registered in your apartment, write a statement to the prosecutor's office. After a conversation with bank employees on December 8, 2016, during which it was proven that the borrowers were not guilty, the blocking of the cards was removed (December 9, 2016). I am a co-borrower and official trustee of the main borrower. Write-off of funds On 12/07/16, an SMS was received from the Bank with information about the write-off of funds on 04/16/16 (the address is indicated in another locality), a debt has arisen on the card. Exemption of a bribe-giver or a person who committed commercial bribery from criminal liability based on voluntary reporting of a crime does not mean the absence of corpus delicti in the actions of these persons. Enforcement proceedings may be suspended in cases of consideration of an application for review of the judicial act on the basis of which the writ of execution was issued due to new or newly discovered circumstances. The bailiff seized property belonging to the debtor; the value of the property was determined by a specialist. I am a good payer, but they started charging me fines, allegedly I don’t have a mortgage and insurance. In this case, it is advisable to give preference to the discount rate that is closest in size to the discount rates that existed during the entire period of late payment (clause 3 of the Post.

Vavilova, 19 Status: (all)CheckingProcessed Fines/claim issued by mistake Previously, I took out a mortgage with Sberbank in Samara. Therefore, the plaintiff must prove the existence of a direct cause-and-effect relationship between the illegal act of public authority and the occurrence of losses. Will a new case be opened, and will I have to collect all the documents in a new way, or is it possible to resume the old one with a new writ of execution? Plenums No. 6/8.3. In contrast to these general rules, in some cases the law itself establishes a different amount of interest. The interests of the Russian Federation when considering a claim filed on the basis of Articles 16, 1069 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation are represented by the corresponding main manager of budgetary funds, and this body is not always the direct cause of harm. If you have received a resolution from the bailiff to initiate enforcement proceedings, in this case you have much more time. Completion and termination of enforcement proceedings 34. The list of grounds for termination of enforcement proceedings provided for in Part 1 of Article 47 of the Law on Enforcement Proceedings is exhaustive. Of course, we should not forget that suspended enforcement proceedings can be resumed after the circumstances due to which they were suspended have been eliminated. Can bailiffs demand division of property? My husband and I will soon be filing for divorce.

Deadlines for appealing a writ of execution

1. What is the period for appealing the ruling on the issuance of a writ of execution for forced execution of the arbitration court decision?

1.1. 6 months “Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation” dated November 14, 2002 N 138-FZ (as amended on August 3, 2018) Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation Article 427. Court ruling on issuing a writ of execution for the forced execution of an arbitration court decision 5. Court ruling on issuing a writ of execution the forced execution of an arbitration court decision may be appealed to a cassation court in the manner and within the time limits established by this Code. “Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation” dated November 14, 2002 N 138-FZ (as amended on August 3, 2018) “” Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation Article 376. The right to appeal to the cassation court (as amended by Federal Law dated December 9, 2010 N 353- Federal Law) (see text in the previous “edition”) “”1. Court decisions that have entered into legal force, with the exception of court decisions of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, may be appealed in the manner established by this chapter to a cassation court by persons participating in the case and other persons if their rights and legitimate interests are violated by court decisions. ""2. Court decisions may be appealed to a cassation court within six months from the date of their entry into legal force, provided that the persons specified in part one of this article have exhausted other methods of appealing against a court decision established by this Code before the day it enters into legal force. .

2. Do the deadlines for appealing a writ of execution begin from the moment you become familiar with them?

2.1. Hello, dear Alexey. In theory, it is impossible to appeal a writ of execution, since this is not provided for by law. You can only appeal a court decision. Good luck to you in resolving your issue.

3. Greetings! Please tell me, after reading the writ of execution, what is the deadline for appealing? Like 10 days, only calendar days, or working days?

3.1. Hello Evgeniy. You are confusing a writ of execution with a court order. The court order can be canceled within 10 calendar days

3.2. Yes, most likely you call the writ of execution a writ of execution. You have the right to appeal it within 10 calendar days from the date of receipt of its copy. If the 10th day falls on a weekend, the deadline is transferred to the next working day.

4. Can the defendant cancel the writ of execution if the deadline for appeal has passed long ago?

4.1. The writ of execution cannot be cancelled. Only a court decision can be overturned. If there are grounds, restore the period for appeal.

5. Where to write to appeal the writ of execution and to restore the deadline for reviewing the case?

5.1. You need to restore the deadline for appealing the court decision for which the writ of execution was issued. Receive a court decision, it will indicate the procedure and deadlines for appealing.

6. Has the court decision been made, is the writ of execution issued immediately or after the deadline for appeal? The reason for the receipt is to receive funds.

6.1. Good afternoon after the deadline for appeal

7. The LLC company was presented with a writ of execution from the arbitration court (the period for appeal had expired, the defendant did not appear in court on time because he had not received correspondence). The court made a decision to recover funds from the defendant on the basis of invoices. However, the defendant did not sign these invoices. Moreover, before filing a lawsuit, the plaintiff could not present the necessary invoices. Most of the invoices were not signed (but paid for), since the goods were shipped a couple of times to an unknown location, or the goods arrived incorrectly, with a defect. Either the goods invoice did not correspond to the supplies. All this is in the email correspondence. Due to erratic deliveries of goods and delays, our company fell behind the schedule for the completion of work on the site; some of the products had to be ordered from other suppliers. On what basis can we file an application to restore the deadline for appeal?

7.1. Development of a legal position is a paid service.

7.2. Good afternoon. If you were not notified of the trial, then this is such a reason

8. The LLC company was presented with a writ of execution from the arbitration court (the period for appeal had expired, the defendant did not appear in court on time because he had not received correspondence). The court made a decision to recover funds from the defendant on the basis of invoices. However, the defendant did not sign these invoices. Moreover, before filing a lawsuit, the plaintiff could not present the necessary invoices. Most of the invoices were not signed (but paid for), since the goods were shipped a couple of times to an unknown location, or the goods arrived incorrectly, with a defect. Either the goods invoice did not correspond to the supplies. All this is in the email correspondence. Due to erratic deliveries of goods and delays, our company fell behind the schedule for the completion of work on the site; some of the products had to be ordered from other suppliers. Can our firm file a counterclaim? Or should we restore the deadlines for appeal?

8.1. you can file a counterclaim

8.2. You can apply, but the chances of a positive decision are very small... almost none... because... conclusions on what entered into the law. the force of a court decision is now mandatory for other courts... They are not subject to challenge or proof. Set up work to receive mail.

8.3. File an independent claim, but it must be proven - Article 65 of the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation. A counterclaim is filed when considering the original claim.

8.4. The only thing is to try to restore the deadlines.

9. What is the period for appealing a writ of execution if I did not receive it and was not summoned to court, and the bailiffs have already initiated enforcement proceedings, where they also did not notify me? And in general, where to start, your actions? Thank you!

9.1. First, you need to obtain copies of the court decision and writ of execution from the court (office). Then appeal depending on the content of these documents.

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About loans

The essence of the matter was this. Against citizen Rostovtsev M.L. In 2010, enforcement proceedings were initiated due to the resulting debt on the loan. The loan was collateral, so foreclosure was imposed on the pledged property.

When the bank fails to voluntarily receive its money from the borrower, it has no choice but to go to court to protect its interests. Based on the results of the consideration of the case, the judge opens enforcement proceedings, thereby transferring the work of collecting the resulting debt to the bailiffs. They will act within the limits of the legal possibilities for debt recovery and taking into account the statute of limitations.

Appeal the writ of execution

A writ of execution, by definition, is a document indicating the execution of a court decision. It is impossible to challenge a specific writ of execution; the court verdict is subject to appeal.


It is possible to challenge a writ of execution issued on the basis of a judge’s ruling if there are serious reasons. The grounds are provided for in the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation.

Reasons for changing or canceling a decision of a judicial body when filing an appeal:

  • incorrect interpretation of the circumstances relating to the initiated case;
  • failure to prove the circumstances of the case by the court;
  • discrepancy between court decisions and the circumstances of the case;
  • incorrect application of laws when making a decision.

Incorrect application of substantive law, namely:

  • the applicable law has not been used;
  • a law was applied that did not fit the circumstances of the case;
  • misinterpretation of legal norms.

You can challenge a decision on a writ of execution if the following conditions exist:

  • the trial was considered in an illegal composition;
  • employees of the judicial institution did not send notices of the upcoming hearing, the case was conducted without the presence of the necessary participants;
  • during the meeting, the rules regarding the availability of presentation in a language understandable to listeners were violated;
  • the decision made was not signed by the judge, or was signed by judges who did not take part in the consideration of the case;
  • there is no record of the trial;
  • The judges violated the decision-making procedure.

To challenge the verdict received, in accordance with all legal norms, you should seek help from a lawyer. An experienced specialist will tell you on what grounds you can file an appeal to cancel the decision on the writ of execution.


According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, after considering all the facts relating to the case, the judge makes a decision. The head of the meeting at the end of the hearing announces the operative part of the verdict. The court must issue the main part, motivating the decision, within 5 working days after the announcement of the verdict.

When can you challenge a writ of execution?

A writ of execution can be contested within 30 days. The thirty-day period is counted from the date of announcement of the resolution containing the motivating and operative part of the decision.

Read about appealing the court order of the magistrate

Where to contact?

To challenge a court decision, you must send a letter of appeal to the judicial authority.

To challenge a decision on a writ of execution, you must follow the following procedure:

  • The presence of grounds is a violation of procedural or substantive law. To prove the grounds, knowledge of legislative acts is required - Civil Procedure Code, Arbitration Procedure Code, Code of Criminal Procedure;
  • Drawing up a statement of claim;
  • Filing a claim, documents confirming the illegality of the verdict;
  • Pending consideration of the filed appeal.

The success of the case depends on the correct execution of the statement of claim. Its content should reflect:

  • name of the institution where the appeal is filed;
  • information about all participants in the process;
  • table of contents;
  • a copy of the writ of execution that is subject to challenge;
  • briefly state the circumstances of disagreement with the previously issued decision;
  • state the requirements to the court;
  • date and signature of the plaintiff.


To successfully challenge a writ of execution, the plaintiff must behave correctly at the hearing. According to the advice of lawyers, the plaintiff’s behavior should be based on the following criteria:

  • The head of the meeting is the judge - appeals must be directed to him, even against slander and insults of the defendant;
  • The ability to correctly interpret the statement of claim, correctly explaining the reasons for filing an appeal;
  • If you notice ongoing violations by court employees, witnesses, or the defendant, it is worth recording them in writing; you should not react violently during the hearing;
  • Maintaining calm, choosing the right words for explanations, speaking to the point - no need for unnecessary information.

When considering a case, the judge evaluates the facts provided by both parties. Along with evidence, the behavior of the participants in the courtroom plays an important role.

To prepare for a court hearing to challenge the case, you need to consult with a lawyer. He will tell you what the behavior of the person filing the claim should be, and how to correctly present his claims to the defendant. Ask your question to a lawyer on our website.

In a court

If you disagree with the court decision, you can challenge the writ of execution in a higher court. For example, the case was heard in the magistrate's court, so the complaint should be filed with the district court.

In what court can a writ of execution be challenged?

An appeal allows you to challenge the decision of the court that issued the sentence. It must be submitted to the courthouse where the proceedings were conducted. The duties of the institution’s employees are to transmit the letter to a higher organization.

The cassation appeal is directly submitted to a higher institution.

Is it possible to appeal a writ of execution?

If the claimant applies to the court of first instance with an application for extradition, before returning the case to the court of first instance, the judge considers such an application, provided that the claimant has submitted copies of all decisions of higher courts issued in this case, certified by them in the prescribed manner. There are also cases when enforcement proceedings are suspended at the discretion of the court: when a court decision is appealed, in the case of a debtor’s business trip, when appealing against the actions of a bailiff, when filing an application for clarification of a court decision.

How to challenge a writ of execution

In the ruling on the cancellation of the court order, the judge must explain to the claimant the right to file the same claims in the manner of claim proceedings.

This means that the applicant has the right to make the same demands through a lawsuit (i.e.

e to file a statement of claim), while, as for alimony, the claimant can ask to collect alimony from the moment he applies to the court with a court order.

Appealing a writ of execution

By the decision of the Novgorod District Court of the Novgorod Region dated September 15, 2011. with Doroshenko M.A. and full name in favor of OJSC "Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending" jointly and severally recovered the debt under the loan agreement in the total amount of 2828509 rubles. 91 kopecks.

foreclosure was filed on the mortgaged property - a two-story residential building and a plot of land at the address: By ruling of the Novgorod District Court dated 04.06.

How to challenge a writ of execution Execution of an arbitration court decision 2. An application for the issuance of a writ of execution is submitted to the competent court by the party in whose favor the decision was made.

3. The application for the issuance of a writ of execution shall be accompanied by: 1) the original or a copy of the arbitration court decision.

A copy of the decision of a permanent arbitration court is certified by the chairman of this arbitration court, a copy of the decision of the arbitration court to resolve a specific dispute must be notarized, 2) the original or a copy of the arbitration agreement concluded in accordance with the provisions of Article 7 of this Federal Law, 3) documents confirming payment state duty in the manner and amount established by federal law. Social status * pensioner Return address * KRASNOYARSK 660010 Ave.

The current procedural legislation considers the writ of execution as a consequence of the entry into force of the corresponding decision of the judicial authorities.

That is, the writ of execution itself is only an ordinary document on the basis of which a certain judicial act is carried out. For this reason, the legislation did not provide for the possibility of appealing the writ of execution.

When contacting the arbitration court, it was proven that during the period established by law - two months, the bailiff did not actually carry out any actions.

The bailiff's inaction was declared illegal by the court. It should be noted that already during the court’s consideration of the complaint, the bailiff showed “quickness and zeal” by forcibly returning the non-residential premises to our client.

How to appeal a writ of execution

An executive order, on the basis of a judicial act adopted by the arbitration court of first instance, is issued by this arbitration court.

A writ of execution on the basis of a judicial act adopted by an arbitration court of appeal, an arbitration court of cassation or the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation is issued by the corresponding arbitration court that considered the case in the first instance, unless otherwise provided by the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation.

How to appeal a writ of execution?

The current procedural legislation considers the sheet as a consequence of the entry into force of the relevant court decision.

That is, the writ of execution itself is only a document on the basis of which a judicial act is executed.

In connection with this legislation, it is not possible to appeal a writ of execution, but you can appeal a court decision.

What to do with a writ of execution?

for the Russian Federation, a subject of the Russian Federation or a municipality - the name and address of the body authorized on their behalf to exercise rights and perform duties in enforcement proceedings, 6) the operative part of a judicial act, an act of another body or official, containing a requirement to impose obligations on the debtor to transfer funds and other property to the collector or to perform certain actions in favor of the collector or to refrain from performing certain actions. To begin the procedure for the forced execution of a judicial act, you need to apply to the bailiff department, if the debtor is a citizen - at his place of residence, or at place of stay, or location of his property, if the debtor is an organization - at its legal address, the location of its property or at the legal address of its representative office or branch. The original of the writ of execution must be attached to the application (I advise you to make a copy and keep it with you), in addition, the application must indicate the details of the account to which the funds will be transferred to you. In this case, it is also better to draw up the application in two copies.

Is it possible to appeal against deductions under a writ of execution for arrears in payment of housing and communal services in an apartment in which I do not actually live?

The author of the question is not the owner of this residential premises, and therefore does not have the right to put forward demands for eviction on this basis.

The only way to restore the violated right in this situation is to file a claim against the ex-wife to collect fees for housing and communal services by way of recourse.

In other words, the Plaintiff has the right to recover from the Defendant the amount that the bailiffs collected from him in terms of accrual for the ex-wife.

In this case, the ex-wife was awarded alimony in the amount of 1/4 of the amount from March to July.

Do I have the right to deduct the overpayment for these months in favor of my second child from the alimony in September, October, November that I pay to my ex-wife? — how can I influence the progress of the execution of the writ of execution, which is being prepared at the court site.

Namely, how to indicate in the writ of execution that I paid alimony in August, September and October. — the writ of execution is issued only to the claimant (my ex-wife), which she will send to the bailiff service, who will send the writ of execution to my employer.

Is it possible to challenge a writ of execution if the court decision is not in my favor?

in the UPF of the Russian Federation in the Sverdlovsk region of Krasnoyarsk. after deduction from my pension.


The bank withdrew the funds according to the writ of execution, the bailiff did not notify me

  1. Receipt by the bailiffs of official paper - writ of execution.
  2. Creating and sending a copy of the resolution to the debtor.
  3. Sending a request to banks in order to search for current accounts, deposits, deposits and other accounts of the debtor.
  4. Suspension of banking operations, “freezing” of money on the personal balance sheet and transferring it to repay the debt.
  5. In case of full repayment, the arrest will be removed from the account. If the money in the account is not enough to pay off the debt, then the withdrawal will be applied to the money newly received into the account (for example, wages).

Upon acceptance of this application, these funds will be returned to your debit account. As a rule, returns take no more than 10 days. Advice for those who have certain debts and want to avoid unnecessary paperwork and procedural red tape would be to create separate accounts for receiving social benefits.

Is it possible to appeal a writ of execution?

Article current as of: June 2020

A writ of execution, by definition, is a document indicating the execution of a court decision. It is impossible to challenge a specific writ of execution; the court verdict is subject to appeal.


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Cancel a writ of execution on a loan in 2 steps

How to cancel a writ of execution on a loan, many people ask a similar question when they contact us for advice. Friends, I’ll say right away that before taking out a loan from a bank, you need to carefully calculate your capabilities, otherwise in the future you may receive a writ of execution from the bank if you stop paying.

The bank is not your close friend or relative. A bank is a financial institution whose task is to make a profit.

Therefore, arguments like: I can’t pay, I got sick, I lost my job, have no legal basis. By signing a loan agreement, you accepted a certain amount of responsibilities, including making payments in the agreed amount and due date.

In practice, there are cases when a bank agrees to a restructuring or settlement agreement. But this is not the bank’s obligation, this is the bank’s right, and whether the bank uses this right or not is not decided by the borrower. So, you don’t need to rely on it, you just need to always be prepared for negative developments.

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This way you can protect yourself from abuse by the creditor and preserve your property. Next, we will consider in detail the process of obtaining a writ of execution by a creditor.



To revoke a court order from the bailiffs sample

If the basis for initiating enforcement proceedings was not a court decision, but an act of a public authority, therefore, such a document is revoked upon the application of the said authority. A writ of execution can be returned without the intention of the claimant: when it is impossible to force the debtor to perform certain actions (for example, there is no property to be transferred to the claimant), the location of the debtor and his property is unknown (when there is no reason to search for the debtor), etc.

SCRF, I ASK: Cancel the order of the magistrate of precinct No. (district, city) dated (date of issue) on collection (grounds for issue, for example, collection of a debt in such and such an amount). Date, signature Canceled, what next? After filing an objection, the magistrate single-handedly considers it and makes his decision to cancel the order. What can you expect next from the claimant in this case? Most likely, he will fight or later turn to the judicial authority through a lawsuit and will try to get what he deserves through a lengthy process. In this case, you have the opportunity to try to resolve the case amicably, to convince the plaintiff that you are ready to pay, but less or not immediately.

How to appeal a bailiff's writ of execution in 2020

page » Complaints » How to appeal a bailiff's writ of execution

In this article, lawyer Alexey Knyazev answers the popular question: “How to appeal a bailiff’s writ of execution?”

Challenge the issuance of a writ of execution

Anna Sergeevna (06/18/2012 at 14:53:08) Hello. Dear Konstantin Alexandrovich. First, you need to find out whether the court issued a Court Order or a Writ of Execution.

If a court order has been issued, then you can apply to the court with an Application to cancel the court order; as a rule, the court cancels the court order, revokes it from execution, and then the management company goes to court through litigation.

If this is a Writ of Execution and was issued on the basis of a court decision, then you also have the right to apply to the court with an Application to restore the deadline for canceling the default judgment and an application to cancel the Default Judgment. They must provide justification for missing the deadline for appealing, for example: “being on a business trip, in a medical institution, living at a different address.”

Challenging a writ of execution?

NА33-802/02-С2 the claim was rejected with reference to Articles 4, 22, 53, 208 of the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation. The decision of the court of first instance was motivated by the impossibility of appealing writs of execution in the manner of claim proceedings.

In the cassation appeal against the decision of February 27, 2002, the Financial Administration raises the issue of verifying the legality of the appealed judicial act in connection with the incorrect application by the Arbitration Court of the Krasnoyarsk Territory of the norms of substantive and procedural law: Article 35 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Article 215 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Articles 22, 124, 135, 159, 198 of the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation. The applicant of the cassation appeal believes that the writ of execution is an executive document, which entails the possibility of filing a claim to declare it unenforceable.

Decision in the case of challenging a writ of execution

According to Part 1 of Art. 428 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, a writ of execution is issued by the court to the claimant after the court decision has entered into legal force, with the exception of cases of immediate execution, if the writ of execution is issued immediately after the adoption of the court decision. The writ of execution is issued to the claimant or, at his request, sent by the court for execution.

Challenging the writ of execution

Therefore, before appealing a court decision, it is necessary to file a petition with the court to restore the missed procedural deadlines.

How to Challenge a Writ of Execution But let's take a closer look at some of the nuances associated with the procedural code.

As you already know, you can challenge any court decision in a higher court until you reach the highest.

Decisions made by the Constitutional Court cannot be appealed. But we must remember that the procedural code provides for certain deadlines for appealing certain court decisions. LECTURE 33: Arbitration proceedings 418 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation with an application for reversal to the district court in whose territory the decision of the arbitration court was made.

Is it possible to somehow challenge a writ of execution?

The settlement agreement is executed by the persons who entered into it voluntarily in the manner and within the time limits provided for by this agreement. A writ of execution was presented for 14 years for alimony 2.

In cases where the withholding of alimony on the basis of a writ of execution or on the basis of a notarized agreement on the payment of alimony was not made through the fault of the person obliged to pay alimony, alimony is collected for the entire period, regardless of the three-year period established by paragraph 2 of Article 107 of this Code. 3. The amount of debt is determined by the bailiff based on the amount of alimony determined by a court decision or an agreement on the payment of alimony.

Is it possible to challenge the writ of execution? The writ of execution was paid there, the accounting department is making preserves.

Appeal against the issuance of a writ of execution

  • How to challenge a writ of execution
  • Appealing a writ of execution
  • How to appeal a writ of execution?
  • The ruling to issue a writ of execution for the forced execution of a settlement agreement cannot be appealed through the appellate procedure.
  • A writ of execution was presented for 14 years for alimony
  • Is it possible to challenge a writ of execution?
  • Arbitration Court of the Komi Republic
  • Application for suspension of enforcement proceedings

How to appeal a writ of execution If a debtor does not comply with the requirements of a court decision made against him, acts of various departments and officials, in particular, decisions of customs officers, the tax service, the Pension Fund, the migration service, or evades payment of traffic police fines, forced penalties may be applied to him measures.

Bailiffs seized the account - what to do? How to unfreeze an account

If the actions of the FSSP are unlawful, it is necessary to file a complaint. It is advisable to write a statement addressed to the senior bailiff, not forgetting to attach a document confirming the illegality of the seizure of funds in the account.

The arbitration court seizes only those funds that were in the debtor’s account at the time of execution of the decision. Further proceeds may be spent by the citizen at his own discretion, even if the amount initially seized is less than that established by the court.

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